We are ClimateCalc certified!

We want to be part of our customers' sustainable success. With our ClimateCalc certificate, we can now calculate the exact carbon footprint of all our products. Do you want to know more about how we can help you? Contact Us!


What does our ClimateCalc certification mean for you?

Our ClimateCalc certification means we can now calculate the exact carbon footprint of each package. The certification also means that we are ready for future legislation around packaging and its climate impact. With our certificate, you can be sure that we always follow the latest rules and standards.

At Forsberg, we want to be part of our customers' sustainable success, and the ClimateCalc certification is one of the many steps we take to achieve this goal.

Yhteistyö Forsberg:in kanssa? Miksi?

Why choose us as your packaging partner?

With a modern machine park and a dedicated team, we manufacture packaging for the country's largest companies and know the importance of both quality and reliability.

How are we different from other packaging manufacturers? Our production is fully optimized for the manufacture of sleeves, making us the best sleeve manufacturer in the Nordic region, and our reliable team is always ready to go the extra mile to help our customers realize their packaging vision.

We are a packaging manufacturer you can trust.

Haluatko tehdä yhteisDo you want a knowledgeable and reliable packaging manufacturer? Contact us!työtä osaavan ja luotettavan pakkausvalmistajan kanssa?

With years of experience in packaging manufacturing and a team that's always willing to go the extra mile, we are a packaging manufacturer you can trust. Do you want to know more about how we can help you? Contact us!

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